What types of feelings come up for you when you think about the topic of money? Does it make you feel good, bad or even taboo? What about when you think about your money? What feelings arise? Are they feelings of happiness? Of panic? Of ___________ (fill in the blank)? The way we feel about money tells a lot about our relationship with money, which has many of the emotions we identify with in our actual relationships such as love, hate, disgust, happiness, sadness, and the list can go on and on in both directions. Our family, our religion, our culture, as well as our own personal experiences influence the way we feel about money. When we see money for what it truly is, a form of energy we can take a step back from our emotional attachments around money and begin to reframe our feelings about it.
Everything is energy. You are an energetic being with electrical signals making your heart beat and sending messages through your brain. You are surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field known as an aura which has a big impact on your health, the types of people and situations you call into your life and it affects your energy levels, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. The aura is its own topic that can generate a lot of discussion, I implore you to do some research on this topic if it interests you. Back to our topic. You are energy. Everything around you is energy. So, it makes sense that money too, is energy.
Money is energy because it represents a value of exchange. That value exchange is based on energy and not what we typically think of in terms of “value” because value itself is flexible and can change as our individual and societal needs change. Can you recall something you used to value as important that one day was just no longer a big deal? And indeed money itself has a changing value as the stock market, exchange rates, and economy shifts. We as a part of our society are who determine what the value of something is. People gave value to gold and silver the same way we assign value to money as a society but in truth when it was first discovered it was just a pretty metal that was only worth a lot of “oohs” and “ahhhs”, someone said “this is important” and someone else agreed and so the idea of gold and silver being precious and valuable began. What you hold in your hand today is either a piece of paper, some metal, or plastic, none of which have the inherent value they represent. Think about it, “money” is made up, the value assigned to it is made up. So what money really represents is energy. It is the standardized exchange of energy! As a society we used to barter to get the things we needed and wanted, but the time and effort to make a pair of shoes is not the same as milking a cow, therefore a system was put into place so that people could get the things they needed from each other in a way that represented an equal exchange of energy. This way the shoe maker could get milk for less than a pair of shoes, and rightfully so.
Hopefully you catch my drift on this idea, because now the really important part comes into to play. Since money is energy that means you have more control over your relationship with it and how it shows up in your life. Because money is energy and you are energy the two of you are made for each other, like attracts like! But, the question is: what is your energy doing to support this naturally beneficial relationship? Ask your Self, are you attracting money, repelling money, or the money comes but never stays? If your attracting money, well done, you can stop reading, sort of shocked you stayed this long… but, if your not attracting money there is good news, you can do something about it. And no, I don’t mean another job, unless your current job underpays you because you undervalue yourself. Which is my next point on this money energy thing, and where you can make a change, and that is simply this: You will never receive your value if you don’t value your Self. It’s really that black and white. Making money can involve working hard and putting in lots of hours but valuing your Self to be worth making (and keeping) the money is actually a much bigger piece. Recognizing your own value is a catalyst to investing in your Self, which in turn, gives you more skills and more marketable value as well as empowering you to request compensation in alignment with the value you are providing.
So far I hope you’ve gained some insight. There is still one more piece to this money is energy puzzle which is equally as important as embodying your Self worth. How you feel about money, the feelings on the surface as well as the ones deep down inside you that you don’t always acknowledge or even know exist, play a big role in how you interact with money. If you received conscious and unconscious messages that made money out to be the villain when you were a child or even in the womb, then chances are you made an unconscious agreement to have this same belief, after all we are an accumulation of our experiences and some of those are being impressionable babies and children. Getting to the core of your emotions and feelings of money takes a lot of work and can even be a bit icky, but the pay-off is incredible. If you are able to uncover those feelings especially the negative ones then you are able to examine and reframe those feelings and emotions into a healthier pattern, which is productive to attracting the money you desire into your life.
For some of you it may take some deep work to discover your thoughts and beliefs about money. Equally, it is no small task to uncover your true beliefs and build up your Self worth if it is less then ideal. But the truth is that even if it takes 1 yr. or 5 yrs. or even 10 yrs. to do this work, that time is going to pass by regardless of what you do with it. The only difference is what you have to show for it on the other side. I can promise that if you start this journey depending on where you are at it may be a slow payoff, but it will payoff.
Something you can do starting right now to shift your money energy is to find a mantra that is positive and feels good to say. Here are a few I enjoy using:
“The Universe supports me and abundance flows to me”
“I am always taken care of in all things and in all ways”
“Money flows to me with ease”
Wishing you more ups then downs in this journey of life. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think! Namaste.