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Tools to Balance Your Throat Chakra

Tools to Balance Your Throat Chakra

By: Kerri

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 Vissudha, Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is the 5thof the seven major chakras. Vissudha is the Sanskrit name for this chakra, meaning “Purity” and is related to the need to balance and open the lower chakras 1-3 and the 4thchakra in order to fully activate, open, and balance this chakra. This is because the throat chakra is about expressing your truth with honesty and purity, most especially to yourself, requiring a lack of fear (1stchakra), creativity (2ndchakra), personal power (3rdchakra), as well as compassion and love (4thchakra). The main focus of the throat chakra is “Self Expression & Life Purpose”. When our throat chakra is open and balanced we can experience our truth, purpose, our expression and communication is compassionate, and we experience synchronicities in life. When the throat chakra is blocked one can experience teeth and gum issues, hearing problems, and thyroid imbalances, as well as habitual lying, a fear of speaking and a lack of purpose.


Ways to help bring balance to the Throat Chakra:

  • Blue is the color of the throat chakra and can be used by visualizing a ball of color at the throat area, wearing blue clothing, and eating blue colored foods such as blueberries, blue-green algae and blue potatoes.


  • HAM is the seed sound of the Throat Chakra and can be chanted to strengthen and open this energy center of personal truth.

  • Gemstones such as lapis lazuli, turquoise, blue kyanite or any other blue stone you are drawn to can be worn as a necklace or earrings. Additionally, these crystals can be meditated with or simply kept nearby in relaxing areas of the home.

  • Essential oils that support the throat chakra becoming fully expressed are jasmine, lavender, and frankincense. These oils can be worn diluted or diffused in the home or car.


  • Affirmations, a powerful tool, can be used to shift your thoughts and bring in the healthy, balanced qualities that you wish to nurture. The following affirmations help to strengthen the throat chakras energy:

“I live my truth by speaking my truth”

“I am guided to live my purpose”

“I express myself with compassion”


  • Yoga is a practice meant to bring balance into the entire being. The following yoga asanas or poses can be used to focus on the throat chakra:

Lion’s Breath Pose

Shoulder Stand Pose

Plow Pose


I invite you to explore any or all of these tips to balance and strengthen your throat chakra. Each of these suggestions is powerful tool when used with intention to help you create the life and experience you desire. Trust that what you are drawn to will have benefit for you.


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